Sunday, July 31, 2016

Wake Up Call

Prophecy is a popular study in many places. People like to think they are privy to shadowy secrets about the future through a special knowledge of secret codes. But while Jesus does provide a glimpse into future events in Mark 13, it is not a secret code. It is a very clear message.


Sunday, July 24, 2016

Honor Contest: Knock Out

Honor was very important in the eastern culture of Israel in Jesus' day. The temple leaders were doing their best to make Jesus lose face in the eyes of the people, but he showed great wisdom and parried every challenge. Finally they didn't dare ask him any more questions and he taught several lessons about what genuine faith should look like.

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Honor Contest: Round 3

If you can't beat them by force, maybe you can beat them by joining them... The last challenge to Jesus seems friendly enough, but it is still part of the challenge. "What is the greatest commandment of the law?"

Jesus quotes scripture and while pointing to the scripture, also points to himself as the perfect savior. The scribe seems to agree with Jesus, but he was not recognizing where Jesus fit into this truth.

Monday, July 11, 2016

Friday, July 8, 2016

Honor Contest: Round 2

The temple leaders had a good thing going and they were not about to let an upstart, hick from the sticks, self styled rabbi come in and disrupt everything. They were determined to show him up and if possible get him in trouble.

In this second round they tried to make him look ridiculous. The Sadducees did not believe in the resurrection and had many arguments against it. But they didn't realize they were talking to the One who was Himself - "The Resurrection And The Life."