Sunday, January 28, 2018

Worthy Is The Lamb!

Revelation chapter five reveals a heavenly drama - the will by which God's salvation will be realized by his people is available, but there is no person in all of the universe who has the authority to open it. This is a disaster - until the Lion of the tribe of Judah - the Root of David is declared worthy.

But when he appears it is not as a powerful lion, nor as a glorious king!  He is revealed as a lamb that has been slain...

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Heavenly Worship

In Revelation chapter four, the apostle is summoned into the throne room of heaven and there he observes heavenly worship.  What did he see and what does it mean for us?

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Sermon In A Sack: Exercise Weights

What does the Bible say about physical exercise?  

Someone said that Proverbs 28:1 was an excuse not to run for exercise:
Proverbs 28:1 "The wicked run away when no one is chasing them..."

But what does the Bible really say about it?  What can we learn through a simple object lesson with some barbells?

Monday, January 1, 2018

The Yuck Factor

How do you feel about eating raw oysters?  How about eating whale blubber?  Do you turn up your nose at drinking chunky sour tasting buttermilk?

There are many things that cause some people to feel a bit queasy. Whether it is something they are trying to eat or having blood drawn - it makes them feel sick to their stomach.

In todays message, Jesus reveals something that makes him feel sick to his stomach.  It is people with lukewarm affections for him.