Sunday, December 30, 2018

In The Faith?

In Second Corinthians Paul is answering the charges that the false teachers have brought against him. They said that he was an inferior minister and unimpressive. They said he talked big, but had no real authority.

Paul has answered these charges in various ways, but at the end of the book he finally says, "You tell me! Has my ministry been effective in your lives?" He urges them to examine themselves and see if God has really worked in them or not.

Monday, December 24, 2018

Christmas Mission

What would you have thought if you were Joseph?  Mary, your promised wife was obviously pregnant and you know it is not your baby?

Matthew chapter one records his thoughts and what changed his mind and the course of history.

May you truly have Christ in your Christmas!

Sunday, December 16, 2018

God In Flesh - John's Christmas Story

In John's gospel he is explaining who and what Jesus is. He is correcting some of the erroneous teachings of the various groups. Who is this Jesus? Where did he come from? What sets him apart? Why is he important?

At the very beginning of his gospel he lays it out! Jesus is God from heaven - come to earth as a man.

Sunday, December 9, 2018

A Thorn In The Flesh

What is it like to have a painful problem? Does having pain mean that God is angry at me? How can a loving God allow me to have pain in my life? How can pain be good for me?