Saturday, August 16, 2008

Pens That Won't Write

I pick up a pen to jot down a note.
Some pens write and some pens don't.

What now? My pen is skipping.

I write over the line of words again - and again. I press harder. I scribble in the corner of the page. I shake the pen.

I try again.

It makes me wonder how the Lord feels when He tries to use me in His service. Sometimes I serve well to spell out God's glory. Sometimes I dry up and God's line is blurred by my inconsistent life.

Maybe that is when I feel pressured because the Lord has to press harder on me to get His work done. Maybe that is when I find myself retracing my steps to get it right - or even scribbling in a corner until I get done skipping.

I like a fresh new pen and a clean sheet of paper!

I want to be that fresh new pen in God's hand on the clean page of each new day!

No skipping. No blobs or blots. I'll be ready and responsive to His every impulse. I'll put down exactly what He intends. I won't fade out early. I want every word and action to follow my Master's will.
(Psalms 19:14) "Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
Be acceptable in Your sight,
O LORD, my strength and my Redeemer."


  1. Sometimes it's the paper ... not the pen. Sometimes there are small oily residue left by one's hand or wrist that stop the pen from writing.

    So, just know that it's not always you.

  2. What talented message
