Friday, July 27, 2012

Is Everybody GAY?

I was doing some online research about a particular modern religion. Along the way I found some people who were claiming that one of the famous adherents to that religion is "gay." That made me pause to consider the fascination of our society with the "sexual identity" of people. Who is gay? Who is straight? Who is lesbian, transgendered, or bisexual? Someone "comes out of the closet" and someone else is "outed." Rumors fly about this person or that person.

Why is this so entertaining? Is it truly important?

Sex is different than "sexual identity." In humans males have X and Y chromosomes, while females have two X chromosomes. Generally speaking adult males and females have certain physical characteristics that are more or less obvious.

But sexual identity and sexual orientation are not limited by XX or XY chromosome combinations or any other physical characteristics. Some people identify themselves as gay or lesbian. By this, they are saying that they are sexually attracted to people of the same physical gender as themselves. Bisexuals are sexually attracted to both men and women. Transgendered persons say that they identify with whatever gender they are not.

Now the LGBT lobby has won the day in their march to define the debate over homosexuality. They have portrayed sexual orientation as a matter of essential being rather than as a choice that people make. As such, they claim that sexual orientation should be recognized as a civil right. After all, their sexual orientation is just as much a part of their being as is their ethnic identity (or, ironically, their gender.)

I say they have won on the strength of the fact that more and more people are supportive of same-sex marriages. Several state supreme courts have accepted the LGBT framework as the basis for approving same-sex marriages and even for vacating California's referendum against same-sex marriages. People who "come out" as LGBT are often portrayed in media as courageous heroes, while people who oppose even some aspect of the LGBT agenda (like gay marriage) are accused of hate speech and face threats, protests and boycotts. (It is an interesting to note who behaves hatefully and and who behaves civilly in these disagreements.)

I think it is fair to say, "Everyone Is Gay."  I'll explain that statement in another post.

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