Saturday, September 29, 2012

Fall Is My Favorite Season

I love the Fall!

The leaves are turning. There is a brisk snap to the morning air.

It reminds me of picking apples in the Denny orchard with a small wire basket on the end of a long bamboo pole. It reminds me of pumpkins, pies, cider and hayrides. The trees would explode with color on the mountains like leafy fireworks!

Fall season triggers the memories - of sights, of scents, of sounds, of events.

Leaves to rake - they have a special smell of their own.
Puddles with the first frosty ice forming in them.
The horses blowing steamy clouds of breath - white with frost on their backs.
Gathering everything from the garden with a wheelbarrow and hoe.
Preparing equipment - snowplows and snowblowers and snow shovels for the winter.
Rolling out and putting up the snow fence.
Picking up hickory nuts along the hedgerows.

School and band and football games.
Shorter days - dark mornings in the barn.
Family dinners with dozens of rowdy cousins.

Get the boat out of the icy lake and store the oars.
Prepare equipment and buy licenses for hunting.
Break out the jackets, hats and gloves.
Walk the fields, check the fences, breath deeply.

Hear the geese honking - very high up in V formation - little dots - heading south.  (In those days Canada geese were a mystery - you rarely saw them up close in New York State! But every Fall they were headed south.)

These are the memories of my childhood - and they are GREAT memories.
I am so blessed!

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