Monday, November 25, 2013

Beware of Dogs

This message elicited some strong reactions from people - some of them positive and some negative. 

Generally we know we shouldn't call people names, but here in Philippians 3 the Apostle Paul, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, calls the legalists "Dogs," "Evil Workers" and "The Mutilation." That is pretty strong language that seems harsh to some, but since it is God's word on the matter we will preach it as the truth.

The fact is that religious legalism is an affront and an assault on the Gospel of Grace. That means that religious legalism needs to be confronted in the strongest terms. People need to be wary of anything that clouds the truth that salvation is by God's grace through faith.

I know that it bothered some people that I mentioned the "King James Only" movement as one example of legalism, but that is what it is. I have no problem with people who love and use the King James Bible. That is their choice. I have no problem with people who wear straw hats and bonnets, grow beards, or choose to live without electric appliances in their houses either. But I have a big problem when they think that these things are the key to being right with God and confuse the gospel with different man-made rules and regulations.

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